{% if page.full_url contains "search=" %} {% assign page_name = 'Product Search' %} {% elsif theme.collections and page.full_url contains '/products' %} {% assign page_name = 'Collections' %} {% else %} {% assign page_name = page.name %} {% endif %}

{{ page_name }}

{% if page.full_url contains "search=" or theme.collections != true or page.full_url contains '/category' or page.full_url contains '/artist' %} {% paginate products from products.current by theme.products_per_page %} {% if products != blank %} {% if paginate.pages > 1 %} {{ paginate | default_pagination, 'pagination', 'pagination', '', '' }} Page {{ paginate.current_page }} of {{ paginate.pages }} {% endif %} {% else %}

No products found.

{% endif %} {% endpaginate %} {% else %} {% if categories.active != blank %} {% else %}

No collections found.

{% endif %} {% endif %}